The Texas Masonry Council (TMC) and San Antonio Mason Contractors Association (SAMCA) recently hosted the second annual Masonry ROCKS Regional Showcase, where they introduced over 150 students from multiple high schools to masonry as a career alternative to college. With the help of contractor and supplier volunteers, the event was a great success, and TMC is now focused on placing 50 students this summer in positions with members. Check out the highlight video of the event and stay tuned for more information on this initiative, and contact TMC staff for more information on starting a career in masonry.
Read moreMast Climber Monday Featuring First National Bank in Killeen, Texas
Looking for a safe and productive solution for your next construction project? Check out our Mast Climber Monday blog post, featuring a project we worked on with Trinity Masonry a few years ago. Using Hydro Mobile M2 Mast Climbers with a M2 Hoist, our team helped keep the First National Bank project in Killeen, Texas running smoothly and efficiently. With a hoist capacity of 4,000 pounds and spacious 7' front-to-back mast climber decks, these reliable and efficient machines provided a safe and productive work environment. Don't miss the photos from the construction process! Contact us at Spec Rents to learn how we can help you increase productivity and safety on your next project, no matter the size or complexity.
Read moreBoost Your Construction Project's Efficiency with the Hydro Mobile M2 Hoist
Maximize your construction project's efficiency with the Hydro Mobile M2 hoist. Capable of hoisting up to 4,000 lbs, the M2 hoist can help you overcome common challenges like limited access, inefficient loading, and waiting on crane time. Learn how the M2 hoist can help you stay on schedule and avoid costly delays.
Read moreBricks Bags and Blocks for Bikes- Malta Dynamic Fall Protection Bundle Available in Online Auction
For the past couple of years, Spec Mix has hosted an auction in conjunction with the SPEC MIX BRICKLAYER 500 competition in North Texas. This year, the goal is to raise $50,000 to purchase bikes for the underprivileged children of the Dallas, Ft. Worth area. In the spirit of the holiday season the Masonry Trade and its supporters wish to take this opportunity to give back to our community in partnership with our local ABC Channel 8 – WFAA. This year we hope you’ll join us in making a difference in the life of a deserving child.
This year the auction going online to allow more exposure and Spec Rents is happy to play a small part in it by donating a Malta Dynamics Fall Protection bundle (see below pictures and description) for the auction. You can see details below and be sure to go to Spec Mix’s Bricks, Blocks & Bags for Bikes page to bid on this item and the other great products up for auction. Final results will be announced at the SPEC MIX JR BRICKLAYER 500 event.
Malta Dynamics Fall Protection Bundle - $350 value
Don’t wait! Check out Bricks, Blocks & Bags for Bikes today at:
New Way to Anchor for Fall Protection: Reusable Parapet Anchor
Yesterday I was on the MCAA (Mason Contractors Association of America) Safety Round Table virtual meeting and the topic that the group voted to talk about was Fall Protection. Of all of the challenges that we discussed, probably the most common was finding safe and adequate places to tie off to, when necessary.
Some scaffold systems, such as Hydro Mobile, have engineered anchor points on the scaffold that you can easily tie to. Sometimes you will be on a building that has an engineered anchor point overhead that’s convenient. However, we discussed that finding an adequate anchorage point is sometimes a challenge.
It was coincidence that a couple hours after our round table was over that I received an update from Malta Dynamics, which we proudly provide to our customers. They’ve created a new temporary anchor: the reusable parapet anchor. Although, this anchor might not work in all scenarios, it is one more thing to help you as a contractor when you’re faced with the challenge of where to tie off to safely.
Malta Dynamics Reusable Parapet Anchor
Learn more about this new anchor solution that doesn’t damage roof walls, designed specifically for flat roofs surrounded by parapet walls here.
Spec Rents a the proud distributor of Hydro Mobile Mast Climbers, Malta Dynamics safety and fall protection equipment, EZG Manufacturing, Norton Clipper saws, and Husqvarna saws and equipment for Texas. Although we are technically an equipment company, we’re not just in business to sell and rent equipment. We provide our customers with equipment solutions that provide safety and increased productivity. Let us know if we can help you achieve your company’s goals.
Post by: Elizabeth "Liz" Graves, Sales Manager at Spec Rents, LLC. Contact Liz at
Golden Trowel Awards at CTMCA and SAMCA
Spec Rents, LLC was proud to be a part of the following projects that won awards at recent Golden Trowel Banquets in San Antonio and Austin, TX.
At the San Antonio Mason Contractors Association (SAMCA) banquet, we were proud to be recognized as providing mast climbers for the following winning projects:
HEB San Antonio 41 - E Commerce Fullment Center with Ericstad, Inc. - Honorable Mention in the Block Category
CHRISTUS Spohn Shoreline with Shadrock & Williams Masonry- Golden Trowel in the Government/Institutional Category
At the Central Texas Masonry Contractors Association (CTMCA) banquet, we were proud to be recognized for providing mast climbers for the following winning projects:
UT Robert B Rowling Hall with Brazos Masonry - Honorable Mention in the Education: College Category
The McKenzie with C.W. Oates Masonry- Golden Trowel in the Residential: Multi-Family Category
St. Austin’s Catholic Church with Brazos Masonry - Golden Trowel in the Restoration Category
Thank you to Ericstad, Inc., Brazos Masonry, C.W. Oates Masonry, and Shadrock & Williams Masonry for allowing us to partner with you on these amazing projects and the many others we’ve done over the years. We appreciate you choosing to use Spec Rents and Hydro Mobile mast climbers to provide your crews with improved safety and production. Together, we’ve been able to do some amazing things!
HEB San Antonio 41 - E Commerce Fullment Center with Ericstad, Inc. - Honorable Mention in the Block Category
CHRISTUS Spohn Shoreline with Shadrock & Williams Masonry- Golden Trowel in the Government/Institutional Category
UT Robert B Rowling Hall with Brazos Masonry - Honorable Mention in the Education: College Category
The McKenzie with C.W. Oates Masonry- Golden Trowel in the Residential: Multi-Family Category
St. Austin’s Catholic Church with Brazos Masonry - Golden Trowel in the Restoration Category
Spec Rents is the proud distributor of Hydro Mobile, Husqvarna, EZG Manufacturing, and Malta Dynamics for Texas. Although we are technically an equipment company, we’re not just in business to sell and rent equipment. We provide our customers with equipment solutions that provide safety and increased productivity. Let us know if we can help you achieve your company’s goals.
Post by: Elizabeth "Liz" Graves, Sales Manager at Spec Rents, LLC. Contact Liz at
Project Highlight: Frisco Station
Frisco Station is a 7 floor hotel project located in Frisco, Texas. The contractor, Design Construction, has years of experience in hotel projects and made the wise decision to use Hydro Mobile Mast Climbers to increase their productivity on this difficult stack-bond brick project.
This project is a challenge with the multiple returns, in addition to it being stack-bond pattern, requiring quality workmanship from the masons. The Hydro Mobile M2 Mast Climbers are versatile enough to provide the mason with a quick setup around corners and keep the flow going all the way up.
The above area shows a return that they were able to easily setup to cover the stairwell. The smaller length of the stairwell wall required the use of a 14’ M2 Hydro Mobile Mast Climber vs. the traditional 24’ M2 units used on other areas of the job. The 14’ M2 unit is able to provide the same large capacity of 22,000 lbs, a 7’ deep work platform, and stability of having two masts vs. using a single mast system.
Additionally, Design Construction used the M2 Hoist for this project to keep the masons continually stocked. At a capacity of 4,000 lbs and speed of 65 ft per minute, these hoists will keep production going, even after you’ve outreached your forklift.
Being their first project with mast climbers, Spec Rents held a full installation and dismantle training course for their E&D crew. Our instructors spent multiple days assisting in their first setups and going back out to assist with dismantling and moving units to additional setups.
If you’ve got a construction project coming up that you’re considering mast climbers on but haven’t taken the leap and have questions, give us a call. We’re happy to walk you through the process to find the best solution for your specific challenges.
Spec Rents is the proud distributor of Hydro Mobile for Texas. Although we are technically an equipment company, we’re not just in business to sell and rent equipment. We provide our customers with equipment solutions that provide safety and increased productivity. Let us know if we can help you achieve your company’s goals.
Post by: Elizabeth "Liz" Graves, Sales Manager at Spec Rents, LLC. Contact Liz at
Project Highlight - Republic Square, Austin, Texas
A few months back, Spec Rents was called in to provide equipment to Camarata Masonry Systems (CMS) for the Republic Square project in downtown Austin, Texas. Using the Hydro Mobile M2 Mast Climber units with a monorail system allows CMS to set very large GFRC panels thanks to the large capacity and versatility that these units provide. Additionally, the M2 mast climbers can fit into the tight space in the back alleyway by removing the bases and using mast base plates to maintain access for traffic. See below for some photos of the project’s progress, using Hydro Mobile Mast Climbers.
Spec Rents is proud to be part of this beautiful masonry project with the wonderful CMS team. You can check out other Spec Rents projects on our Projects Page. Learn more about the amazing work of Camarata Masonry Systems at
Spec Rents is the proud distributor of Hydro Mobile for Texas. Although we are technically an equipment company, we’re not just in business to sell and rent equipment. We provide our customers with equipment solutions that provide safety and increased productivity. Let us know if we can help you achieve your company’s goals.
Post by: Elizabeth "Liz" Graves, Sales Manager at Spec Rents, LLC. Contact Liz at
EZG Celebrates 20 Years - Product Give Away!
Time flies when you’re having fun they say. 20 years ago, Damian Lang decided to make things better. He started his own equipment manufacturing company to serve the needs of his masonry contracting company. 20 years later, this company is still going strong and it is well-known in the industry that any orange piece of equipment with “hog” in its name is built for the long-haul.
Dad bought his first Mud Hog back in 2001 or 2002- in the early days of EZG. He still has that mixer today. And, no, its not in the mixer graveyard that so many contractors have in their yards. I actually think someone might be using it right now. Don’t get me wrong- it doesn’t look great anymore. But we all know that it’s truly what’s inside that counts. What makes these great pieces of equipment? They’re made to last and built to be easy to repair if they do have issues. After all- masonry crews might be the hardest trade on equipment there is in the construction world.
I joke with my customers when I sell them a Mud Hog that I won’t sell them another mixer until one of their other types breaks down and has to be replaced or if the company grows and they simply need more equipment. As labor continues to be harder and harder to find, utilizing user-friendly equipment that enables crews to work smarter and not harder (such as the Grout Hog) is the way to go.
Congratulations to the great team at EZG Manufacturing. It’s been a pleasure working with you guys and we look forward to another great 20 years of orange equipment. Thanks for always supporting the industry and making it an easier place for those in the field that use your products!
If any of you are headed to the World of Concrete in Las Vegas this week, be sure to check out their booth at C3226. They’ll be giving away lots of great products including the GH75, UGH75, MH9, MH12 or two EZG9’s Mixers. The drawing for the prize will be held on January 24th at 4:00pm in EZG’s booth and you must be present to win. Also visit Amerimix’s booth for a chance to win an Amerimix Red MH12.
Post by: Elizabeth "Liz" Graves, Sales Manager at Spec Rents, LLC. Contact Liz at